


北橡树创伤中心 provides immediate, 生活saving care for all injured 病人一天24小时,一年365天. 我们的团队提供最高的服务 level of trauma care through compassion, excellence and continuous quality 改进. 我们有内部创伤/重症监护外科医生 24/7, as well as coverage by the specialties of 整形外科, Neurosurgery, 麻醉学,急诊医学,耳鼻喉科,眼科护理和放射学.

In 2016, North Oaks earned official verification from the American College of Surgeons and designation from the Louisiana Department of Health as 二级创伤中心.

If you are a healthcare professional from a transferring facility and would 想转移创伤病人,请拨打(985)2301346


After discharge from 医院, trauma 病人s may be seen at North 奥克斯创伤诊所的创伤小组成员. 持续的护理有帮助 assure our 病人s receive the best care through every step of the healing process and maximizes their ability to regain as much of their "pre-trauma" 尽可能的生活. 临床创伤患者被鼓励提出问题 and get additional information on wound care, therapy, medications and 回到学校和工作.


When a 9-1-1 call is received, the dispatchers send local fire departments 还有救护车到现场. 护理人员/紧急医疗技术人员 (EMT)检查病人的伤势,并接受识别训练 在创伤中心可能会得到更好的治疗.

Per directives from the Paramedics/EMT command center, severely injured 病人将被直接送往北橡树创伤中心. 通常 helicopter is used to move a 病人 from the scene or transferring hospital -这个决定不是由北橡树做出的. 如果你来自偏远地区, you may be transported to your local hospital for stabilization before 被送往北橡树创伤中心.



On arrival at 北橡树医疗中心 急诊科 (ED), 病人s are taken into our trauma room and met by staff members with specific duties, including: trauma/critical care certified surgeons, specially trained trauma nurses, X-ray and lab technicians, emergency department 医生. 有时病人是从急诊科来医院的. 其他轻伤人员得到治疗并出院.


Every effort will be made to keep family members advised of the 病人’s condition once the 病人 has been properly assessed and stabilized in 的艾德. Depending on the type of medical care the 病人 needs, the nurses 会帮助你尽快见到你所爱的人吗. 护理 与此同时,工作人员将努力让这家人了解最新情况.

在这个关键时刻,只有直系亲属才能探视. 如果你有重要的 病人的病史,过敏史和 medications, or if you witnessed the incident, please let the nurses know 越快越好,这样就能传给创伤组了.



After treatment in 的艾德, 病人s may need to go to the operating room. Sometimes this has to happen quickly in order to save the 病人’s 生活. 外科医生会和家属简单谈谈,然后是护士 会带家人去哪里等吗.

Staff will ask that a family member stay with a minor child or a confused 病人. 请注意,工作人员需要空间工作周围 病人. 我们要求你限制你从这里带来的物品的数量 在家保持治疗区域的清洁.


If the 病人 is admitted to 外科加护病房, only immediate 家庭将被允许. 通常情况下,重伤患者必须被安置 在呼吸机上. 当这种情况发生时,病人会得到 药物使他们入睡而不会醒来.

请将手机调至静音模式. 不允许拍照 外科加护病房.

请注意参观时间的限制. < Trauma 病人s from outlying facilities in our region may be transferred to North Oaks for 更高层次的关怀. 如果病人需要服务北橡树医疗中心 does not provide, they will be transferred to another facility for care.

北橡树医疗中心 does not have a Pediatric 重症监护 Unit. 严重烧伤或受伤的儿童将会稳定下来. 然后, trauma surgeon will talk with the parents / guardians to explain the injury 讨论一下孩子将被转移到哪个机构. 这些决定 总是考虑到病人最好的结果吗.

If you are a healthcare professional from a transferring facility and would 想转移创伤病人,请拨打(985)2301346.


Discharge planning begins on the day of admission - your needs are evaluated 一直到你出院那天. 医生,护士,箱子 managers and social workers along with the 病人 and family, work together 为了顺利过渡回家或进入下一阶段的护理. 如果帮助 is needed at home, the discharge team may assist in setting up home health 或者其他家庭护理. 有些病人出院了 康复中心或专业的疗养院继续他们的康复.

You have suffered a significant injury that may take several weeks or even 几个月的愈合. 如果你仍然感到疼痛或不适,处方 出院当天会提供止痛药. 你的照顾 will give you instructions on how to manage your pain and pain medication 在你离开医院之前. 在你回家之前,有一个后续的预约 可以和你的初级保健医生或转诊医生一起做吗. 如果你继续 to experience pain, please tell your doctor during your follow-up visit.


We are committed to community education to help keep families safe and 尽量减少可预防伤害的发生率. 我们很自豪能参与其中 在以下节目中:


Unintentional trauma is the leading cause of death among people age 1-44, with motor vehicle crashes the number one mechanism of the fatal injury. Our trauma team has joined with community partners to present “Sudden 路易斯安那州最重要的安全项目之一. 这 program is offered to area high schools to educate teen drivers to help prevent fatalities and injuries from impaired, distracted and/or unrestrained driving.


停止流血 is a valuable course offered by our Level II Trauma Center staff to first responders and community groups to help save lives through 出血控制. 创伤是导致死亡的主要原因之一 U.S. 不幸的是,创伤受害者可能会在到达之前失血而死 医院. 如果使用得当,可采取止血措施,如止血带 and wound packing, may give the victim 生活saving time to be transported 去医院接受治疗.

To schedule a 停止流血 course for your organization, contact our 创伤科电话:(985)230-2485.


Each month, 在线体育投注 offers 汽车座椅安装站 to educate parents on the proper installation and use of child safety seats. Certified child passenger safety technicians are available by appointment to install child passenger safety seats and boosters and provide instruction 确保所有年龄段儿童的安全运输.


As you recover from trauma injury, we encourage you and your family members 浏览以下网上资源,为您提供协助:
